Insightful feedback from TPPL food waste vehicle event

2024-07-25 00:00:00

The Procurement Partnership Ltd’s (TPPL) first dedicated Food Waste Vehicle Supplier event held in Northampton last month, has received insightful feedback from members and exhibitors.

The event clearly tapped into the increasingly important issue of food waste collections for councils and the potential impact on fleet operations, when new *government legislation comes into effect in 2026.

Over 65 people representing 33 local authorities attended the event, and they were joined by a multitude of suppliers and vehicle manufacturers including Dennis Eagle, Terberg, Hillend, Faun Zoeller, NTM, Macpac, Trest, Isuzu Trucks and Addex. The day included presentations by TPPL on its framework solutions and food waste vehicle tenders. A range of food waste collection vehicles were on display, including one of SFS’s rental division CTS Hire’s new food waste vehicles.

Bob Sweetland, Managing Director, SFS said:

“We would like to thank TPPL for hosting this event. It was a very productive day and a great opportunity to talk to members about their challenges and concerns.”

“We found the overriding message from the day was that councils are finding it extremely difficult to determine the optimal approach to implementing the forthcoming necessary changes. There is no ‘one size fits all’ and the consensus was that guidance and budgets provided by DEFRA thus far are inadequate.

“Through our flexible contract hire approach we can support them with both transitional and long-term solutions, and crucially remove the financial risk from their projects.  Clients can rapidly engage our services in a compliant manner through established TPPL contract hire and short-term hire frameworks,”

Pete Vickers, Business Development Manager – South East, TPPL:

“This new legislation will have a significant impact on local authority fleet operations.  We had unprecedented interest, and the event was full. Our members said it was very informative and we’ve had great feedback from suppliers. They all appreciated a day focused on these specific vehicles.”

SFS celebrated its 30-year anniversary in 2023 and has an extensive track record in delivering fleet and workshop management solutions to local authorities across the UK.

Lynne Spencer, Fleet Manager, Place and Economy, North Northants Council, another SFS customer said:

 “The event was most useful, the presentation given by The Procurement Partnership was informative and it gave us an opportunity to view what is available on the market and discuss options direct with the suppliers.”

Bob Sweetland, Managing Director, SFS concluded: “Given the feedback from the event and the intensity of discussions, we are expecting this subject to be a major focus in the coming months. We are already making sure our existing customers are prepared for the changes and we are looking forward to providing solutions for new customers.”

Owned by Paragon Banking Group SFS has a unique financial stability that is the envy of the marketplace. Backed by a publicly quoted bank worth more than £1.5 billion, councils partnering with SFS, have additional reassurance and certainty that their fleets and workshop facilities are in safe hands.

For more information about Specialist Fleet Services tel: 01604 234601 or email [email protected]